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Writer's pictureSasha Shunko

The Secret to Happiness- As Thought of by a Teenager (again)

While United Nations have some system by which they categorize nations by "happiness" levels, happiness can't be quantified. How could you really quantify a FEELING one experiences?

“Happiness is a mystery like religion, and should never be rationalized.” G.K. Chesterton, English author

Simplified, happiness is the enjoyment of life; It's the result of a feeling of fulfillment and satisfaction within one's own accomplishments and general being.

In no way am I, a sixteen-year-old girl, giving you the SUCCESSFUL 100 % GUARANTEED formula to true happy bliss. I am not a WikiHow "How to be Happy" article.

What I will say though is that throughout my life I have gone through some pretty unhappy periods which really SUCKED. However, I feel as if I was partially freed from those depressive restraints thanks to some experiences and strategies I utilized at the time.

All I can, and will, promise you from this is an all-true success story that I have to share from my own life. After working on myself for a while, I came to the conclusion that I will make it my goal to have the people I meet and interact with never have to feel the way that I felt when I was younger. Never do I want people to feel worthless and waste their days thinking that.

So hopefully (without me sounding too preachy) someone finds any part of this post helpful or influential.


Because what would my blog post be without a best friend feature?! aka people I wouldn't survive without

Do something.

That's what I believe it is. The secret of happiness.

I find that there are a couple of different aspects of "doing something" which I will touch on.

From about 5 to 2 years ago, I went through a very depressing period in my life. I found it hard to get out of bed every morning (I mean that quite literally considering I would eat breakfast at 3 pm) and I thought that my life was pointless. I felt as if though every day was just another flash of time ticking down to when my life would end.

It was as if I had fallen down a deep dark hole out of which I wouldn't be able to get out of again.

Thinking back to this period of time, I remember that the only time during which I was truly happy and didn't feel like falling apart was when I was out riding horses; I was a hunter-jumper which essentially meant that I rode horses and jumped up to around 4 foot fences and that thrill fo flying was the only time when I was happy and at peace.

I thought back to this and supposed the following: "huh, I guess horses just make me happy" BUT THEN I remembered what brought me out of my depression once and for all.

When I moved about four years ago, I was still stuck in a slum, my hole, a state of uselessness and sadness.

Out of the blue, my mother came into my room saying "There's a theatre musical production audition at the local theatre and I think you should do it."

I cannot be any more thankful to my past self saying "ugh okay fine"! That "ugh" got me into the audition, the "okay" got me to be called back, and the "fine" got me the role in the show.

During the three month period of working on the show and constantly having something to do, to learn, to bop to, my happiness soared. I had an amazing time and I still thank my mom for pushing for me to work on it even through the hard times.

Not only that, but as I have talked about in a previous post, occupying yourself with something when you're feeling down helps TREMENDOUSLY. I myself started this blog when I was feeling down a couple months ago and it has helped me so much.

My point in sharing my mini story is solely to share the story, but to share the "do something" idea. Setting your mind to a certain goal and then taking small steps to achieve that goal, whatever that may be, will be fulfilling and bring satisfaction in life and won't give you any time to waste getting yourself to a bad place.


While watching my favorite show How I Met Your Mother (I would HIGHLY recommend!), I came across a quote from one of the characters. He asks, "Even if it sounds completely crazy, what is it you want to do with your life?" After a response he says

"Then every decision you make from here on out should be in service of that."

This idea has stuck with me for ages.

Set a goal for yourself.

No matter how big or small, you can always take steps to achieve it. Hey, maybe you won't cure cancer, maybe you won't fix every issue that you wish you could, but you will live knowing that you took steps to reach your goal and all your work wasn't for nothing.

One of the number one symptoms for depression disorder is the feeling of loss and hopeless/uselessness. If there is ever any small step you can take to get at least a LITTLE BIT closed to your dream goal, whatever it may be, that is doing something. I guarantee that any small steps you take along the way will be satisfying to complete. Nike was right: Just Do It.

Me? I know that I can't stop everyone I know from feeling sad or hopeless, but I will never stop trying to. I won't stop writing these random blog posts that I hope will one day be of some use to someone else.


The idea of altruism is defined as an act of goodwill towards another.

Stephen Post, author of Why Good Things Happen to Good People states that

“People who are givers are happier and across the board tends to have better mental health. They also show up with better health generally and may even on average live a little longer.”

For around 20 years, Post has been sharing the idea"give and live better" believing that when we contribute to others' lives, we turn out to be happier, healthier, more resilient, creative, hopeful, and successful. In his TED Talk "It's Good to be Good," Post explains that when we do good for others, a part of our brain called the Mesolimbic Pathway is activated. This part of the brain deals with feelings of joy and trust, as well as acting as transferring dopamine, one of the four happiness chemicals, throughout the brain.

Some health clinics have also begun to recommend that their patients take on volunteer opportunities because of these same reasons; giving is linked to many health benefits.

When I first came across this research I was not surprised. I thought back to some random times during which I spontaneously did something for someone else and I instantly felt better and happier, brighter even. If you think back to similar instances, I'm sure you have felt the same way.

My point here is think about small things you can do to make people's days or just offering a small helping hand. Don't think about what YOU can get from the deed but how you have helped someone else. The happiness you'll feel after is the real reward.

Eunseo and I decided to honor this idea by doing some nice things for people near the end of school. I will say that doing this put a smile on my face! Here it is:


Well folks, that is my take on a happy life. Venture out, make what you do count, set goals, do something for someone else.

Do Something.

"Happiness is not ready made. It comes from your own actions"

Yo can we get that on a T-shirt please?

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