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Writer's pictureSasha Shunko

In Love With Me, Myself and I

Would people like you if you treated them the way you treat yourself?

Why is it the case that when I ask someone to compliment themselves they say things like "I'm not that ugly" or "I'm not too dumb"?

Never in a million years would we compliment someone we love by telling them "Hey what's up?! You don't look that ugly today!"

Why not treat yourself like you would a friend or loved one? As soon as you begin to do so, life will become brighter and you'll develop a new sense of joy, I promise.

The month of May is the official mental health awareness month, so in honor of that, I continue my fight and advocacy for self-love, happiness, and appreciation.


Self-love is not a talent, it's a skill. Learning new skills involves taking ownership of your own personal growth. Want to learn how to play an instrument? Practice, practice, practice, and teach yourself how to play.

The same goes for loving yourself; take ownership of the process. Recognize that you are going to do whatever it takes to grow and develop.

Think of yourself as a friend. When you first meet someone whose company you enjoy, you take time and effort to get to know them, talk to them, and develop a new relationship.

With that in mind, you can be your own friend. Take the same time to get to know yourself.

Now that sounds super strange, I know... here's what I mean:

When you get lost in your thoughts let yourself do so and acknowledge what you're thinking and what your approach to life is (maybe even write this down!).

If you feel emotions, let yourself feel them and don't ever disregard your feelings because they seem "wrong". Know that if you didn't feel like this sometimes you would not be human!

Think to yourself "Cool, this is how I feel and this is why. I can get through this."

Don't let yourself disregard the fact that you are strong and you are human, normal, and capable of anything.


Think about how you define yourself? What makes you, well, you?

A common misunderstanding we may fall into is thinking that others define us: who are friends are, what others think of us, and how we interact.

Here's something to think about though: how can you trust other people to play a part in determining your happiness and self-worth?

Others' actions are always unexpected. There is never a way to know exactly how someone can act or feel. That being said, there is always a way to know exactly how you will act.

Put your happiness in your own hands and watch what happens when you are in full control-the possibilities are endless.

Trusting others to do it for you is risky and do they really know how to care for you better than you can care for yourself?

Of course, other people can bring us joy and add meaning to our lives but don't fall into thinking that they are in full control because 100% of the time you have the power to do what's best for you.


The phrase "know your worth" is something you have probably heard before so why would I spend my time repeating the same motivational words others have said many times before?

You ARE worthy, that's it.

Instead, let me bring up some benefits of knowing your worth to give yourself the best life overall:

We've all been in the situation when we felt used, been longing for someone to notice us, or tortured ourselves trying to get someone to show they care about us when they really don't. It hurts, I know.

Other times, the problem is the situation. You could be dealing with the best person to have ever walked this earth, but other variables can get in the way and still make you feel poorly. Say they're away all the time and that continuously brings you down.

No matter the scenario, it takes a lot of guts to admit to yourself that, no matter how much you want them to, some situations may not be treating us the way we deserve to be treated.

Side note: what do you deserve? It saddens me to the core for people I love to tell me that they don't deserve something. It makes me wonder, what did others do to "deserve" it more than you?

When you understand your worth, you can better understand when you aren't getting what you deserve.

Say someone you care for deeply just doesn't seem to be reflecting the same feelings. You keep trying, talking to them, convincing yourself that it's okay because you love them!

Understand your worth.

Understand that you don't deserve to continue getting frustrated when your love and care isn't reciprocated.

It is so freaking hard to admit these things to ourselves with the fear of losing the constant in our life and a relationship you have invested so much of your time into.

Instead, think of it this way: you are gaining self-respect and an opportunity to move on to a situation in which you are content and receive the love you have always wished for. YOU WILL BE HAPPIER!


Once you begin to take steps to self-love you will see how amazing it feels. It takes courage and effort to stand in front of the mirror, have a staring contest with yourself, and say "Yes. I like who I see. They are pretty damn cool."

It's weird ... but a great feeling.

Living the best version of yourself inspires others to do the same. Be the one who loves and respects yourself so much that others around you decide to do the same. Be the one to help others by helping them stand back up on their feet and understand their worth again when they're feeling lost.

It is a neverending process and you can do it.

In conclusion ladies and gentlemen, know you're freaking worth and make your own affirmation the fact that you are in control of your life and happiness.

You are you and that's always enough.

As always,

Stay Happy!!!


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